Davidson County Republican Party Opposes Proposed City Ordinance To Restrict Cooperation With Immigration Officials

The Davidson County Republican Party is urging people to call their city council representative to voice opposition to proposed legislation limiting Nashville’s cooperation with federal immigration officials.

On its Facebook page Wednesday, the party chapter posted the roll call from Tuesday’s vote advancing the legislation. The Metro Council voted 25-8 to move the ordinance forward to a third and final reading July 6. There were four abstentions and two council members did not vote. The bill passed a first reading June 6.

Many believe the ordinance will lead to Nashville effectively operating as a sanctuary city, though drafters of the legislation say it won’t violate the law. Nashville Mayor Megan Barry routinely rails against immigration enforcement and last week wrote a letter to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) criticizing the way agents were carrying out final orders of removal issued by an immigration court. Most were for individuals with criminal convictions.

The proposed city ordinance “ties the hands of our law enforcement” and will lead to “losing millions in federal funding,” said the Davidson County Republican Party’s Facebook post.

President Trump has vowed to crack down down on sanctuary cities harboring illegal immigrants. The city ordinance would also set the stage for conflicts with state leaders.

The legislation would prohibit using local government funds, resources or facilities to help enforce immigration laws and bar inquiries about immigration status, unless required by federal or state law or court order. The ordinance also says that Metro Nashville will only honor an immigration-related detention request if it is accompanied by a warrant.

The council on Tuesday deferred until August consideration of a second ordinance that would end a contract allowing the Davidson County Jail to be used as an immigration holding facility.

The Davidson County Republican Party has published previous alerts to keep people informed about the bill and advocate for its defeat.

Meanwhile, the Davidson County Democratic Party is showing support for the bill, tweeting Wednesday morning that the legislation is “about protecting our neighbors.”



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One Thought to “Davidson County Republican Party Opposes Proposed City Ordinance To Restrict Cooperation With Immigration Officials”

  1. Jay

    Get the word out! Where can I donate?
